List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bihar, Popular Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, All wildlife Sanctuaries of India, Wildlife Sanctuaries State Wise, Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary, Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary, Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary, Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary, Nagi Dam Wildlife Sanctuary, Nakti Dam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary, Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary, Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Wildlife Sanctuary, Barela Lake Salim Ali Bird Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajauli Wildlife Sanctuary

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar

Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar
Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary

Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Kharagpur forest. It is a scenic place with a natural waterfall which is surrounded by hills on three sides. Bhimabandh, a local dam here, is said to have been constructed by the mighty Bhima, the great Pandava of the epic Mahabharata. There are several hot springs in parts of the valley as well as in the foothills, the most spectacular of which are Bhimbandh, Sita Kund and Rishi Kund. However, the interesting thing is that the temperature of all the hot springs remains almost the same throughout the year.

Animals: Tiger, leopard, gray langur, spotted deer, barking deer, gaur, striped hyena, jungle cat, gray mongoose, small Indian mongoose, sloth bear; Peacock, Gray Partridge, Paradise Flycatcher, Greater Spotted Eagle, Painted Sparfowl, Lesser Kestrel, Ferruginous Duck, Bear’s Pochard, Black-necked Stork, Open-billed Stork; Cobra, krait, python.

Plants: Sal, Kendu, Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisaar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus, Bauhinia wahli.

Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary

Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary
List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bihar

Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary has plant communities of dry and moist sal forests, rugged thorn forests, and tropical dry riverine forests. The most notable are the mammalian inhabitants of the Gautam Buddha Sanctuary. You can see herds of wild buffalo, barking deer, spotted deer, and bluebull roaming freely in the forests and grasslands. The sanctuary was under private ownership during the British Raj and for some time even after independence. It was given sanctuary status in 1976.

Animals: Tiger, Asian elephant, leopard, wolf, sloth bear, spotted deer, chinkara, fox, jackal, Peacock, Red Jungle Fowl, Indian Roller, Golden Oriole, Red-vented Bulbul, Indian Tripe, Brahminy Starling; Chameleon, python.

Plants: Shorea robusta, kendu, salai, asan, bahera, arjun, paisar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus Climbers such as Mahulan (Bauhinia wahli) and Ratend (Combratum decandrum).

Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary

Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary
Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary

Pant (Rajgir) Wildlife Sanctuary, located in the ancient city of Nalanda in Bihar, represents a remnant of the forests nestled in the attractive Rajgir Hills within the southern Gangetic plain. The sanctuary provides many ecosystem services including a variety of flora and fauna to the surrounding landscape. It is home to a large number of wild animals. The landscape of the sanctuary is an uneven terrain surrounded by five mountains – Ratnagiri, Vipulgiri, Vaibhagiri, Songiri and Udayagiri. The sanctuary has various paintings of Buddha and Jain era and is also a cultural tourism destination.

Animals: Tiger, Asian Elephant, Bluebull, Barking Deer, Sloth Bear, Painted Spurfowl, Painted Sandgrouse; Bengal Monitor, Common Bronzeback Tree Snake, Indian Rock Python.

Plants: Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisaar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary

Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary
List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bihar

The predominant habitat of the Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary is a wetland consisting of areas of dry riverine forest, swamp forest and khair-sissu forest (Acacia catechu-Dalbergia sissu). It is situated on an oxbow lake in the floodplain of the Gandaki River, in an area of moist deciduous forests of the lower Ganges plains. It is home to a rich diversity of water birds, both resident and migratory.

Animals: Paradise flycatcher, gray shrike, green warbler, whiteeye, emerald dove; Python, King Cobra, Krait, Banded Krait, Sand Boa, Crocodile, Monitor Lizard, Crocodile.

Plants: Asan, Bahera, Asidh, Simal, Satsal, Piyar, Mandar, Banjan, Bhelwa, Harra, Bodera.

Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary

Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary
Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary

It is situated on the banks of Son River in the Kaimur hill range. Kaimur, the largest wildlife sanctuary of Bihar, has many waterfalls. Apart from extremely rich biodiversity, Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary is truly unique as it is also a treasure trove of prehistoric art and fossils. The 4000-year-old Lakhaniya paintings in the sanctuary depict various aspects of prehistoric life and are a major attraction for visitors interested in conservation and history.

Animals: Tiger, leopard, wild boar, sloth bear, sambar, spotted deer, four-horned deer, Peacock, Gray Partridge, Paradise Flycatcher, Greater Spotted Eagle, Pala’s Fish Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Ferruginous Duck, Bear’s Pochard, Black-necked Stork, Open-billed Stork, Cobra, Krait, Python.

Plants: Kendu, Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Nagi Dam Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries of Bihar, Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bihar

It is an important bird area, surrounded by rocky hills formed by dammed streams. The water body of the sanctuary is quite deep, with clear water surface. There is agricultural land near the sanctuary. Recently, Bihar’s first state-level bird festival ‘Kalrav’ took place at Nagi-Nakti Bird Sanctuary. The sanctuary is home to more than 136 species of resident and migratory birds that visit during winter from places like Eurasia, Central Asia, the Arctic Circle, Russia, and northern China.

Animals: Bar-headed Goose, Indian Courser, Indian Sandgrouse, Yellow-wattled Lapwing, Indian Robin.

Plants: Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Nakti Dam Wildlife Sanctuary

Nakti Dam Wildlife Sanctuary
Nakti Dam Wildlife Sanctuary

It is located close to Nagi Dam Wildlife Sanctuary, an important bird area, and about 11 km from Jhagha in Jamui district. The sanctuary is surrounded by rocky hills, which were formed by the damming of water streams. The crystal clear waters of the sanctuary are quite deep. The dam in the sanctuary was built to supply water to local farms. There is cultivable land near the sanctuary. Recently, Bihar’s first state-level bird festival ‘Kalrav’ took place at Nagi-Nakti Bird Sanctuaries. The sanctuary is home to over 136 species of birds—resident and migratory birds that visit during winter from all over the world, including the Arctic Circle, Russia, Eurasia, Central Asia, and North China.

Animals: Bar-headed Goose, Indian Courser, Indian Sandgrouse, Yellow-wattled Lapwing, Indian Robin.

Plants: Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisaar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary

Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary
Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary

The first Ramsar site in Bihar, Kanwar Tal or Kabartal Wetland is the largest freshwater oxbow lake in Asia. Located in Begusarai district, it is about six times larger than Bharatpur Sanctuary and is one of the greenest parts of the region. Over 100 species of birds, some of which are classified as critically endangered and some as vulnerable, can be found in the sanctuary during the peak season. Given its breathtaking landscape and the presence of many species of birds, this sanctuary is a particularly enjoyable place for bird watchers and nature lovers.

Animals: White-backed Vulture, Long-billed Vulture, Greater Adjutant, Greater Spotted Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Sarus Crane, Darter, Painted Stork, Black-bellied Tern Krait, Monitor Lizard.

Plants: Asan, Bahera, Asidh, Simal, Satsal, Piyar, Mandar, Banjan, Bhelwa.

Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary

Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary

This sanctuary is a 60 Kilometer stretch of the river Ganga. The endangered Ganges dolphins, known locally as Suans, are the major attraction of the sanctuary. The sanctuary is a safe haven for endangered aquatic wildlife such as freshwater turtles and 135 species of waterfowl. Many small sandy plains here are home to birds and serve as their breeding grounds. The 36 km stretch from Sultamaur to Bhagalpur is of particular importance as a remarkable habitat for birds and other aquatic animals.

Animals: Ganges river dolphin, smooth-coated otter; 135 species of water birds; Alligator.

Plants: Asan, Bahera, Asidh, Simal, Satsal, Piyar, Mandar, Banjan, Bhelwa.

This sanctuary is an ideal place for nature and wildlife lovers. It extends to 14 villages, which fall under Kusheshwar Asthan block of Darbhanga and is filled with water most of the time. These wetlands are winter habitat for 15 endangered species of migratory birds coming from as far away as Mongolia and Siberia. Tourists can easily spot the mesmerizing Dalmatian Pelican, Indian Darter, Bar-headed Swan, Siberian Crane, and many other species between the months of November and March. The Kusheshwar Shiva temple is located nearby, from which the sanctuary takes its name.

Animals: Combed duck, Dalmatian pelican, darter, bar-headed goose, sandgrouse.

Plants: Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisaar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Wildlife Sanctuary

Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Wildlife Sanctuary

This sanctuary is an ideal place for nature and wildlife lovers. It extends to 14 villages, which fall under Kusheshwar Asthan block of Darbhanga and is filled with water most of the time. These wetlands are winter habitat for 15 endangered species of migratory birds coming from as far away as Mongolia and Siberia. Tourists can easily spot the mesmerizing Dalmatian Pelican, Indian Darter, Bar-headed Swan, Siberian Crane, and many other species between the months of November and March. The Kusheshwar Shiva temple is located nearby, from which the sanctuary takes its name.

Animals: Combed duck, Dalmatian pelican, darter, bar-headed goose, sandgrouse.

Plants: Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisaar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Barela Lake Salim Ali Bird Wildlife Sanctuary

Barela Lake Salim Ali Bird Wildlife Sanctuary

Barela Salim Ali Jubba Sahini Bird Sanctuary is home to Barela Lake, located in Barela village under Patepur block, and is home to many species of plants and animals. The sanctuary boasts a huge diversity of bird life. Barela Lake is the natural habitat of about 106 local and 59 species of migratory birds making it a paradise for bird lovers. This water flows through various local rivers including Noon and finally joins the famous Budhi Gandak. The unique ecosystem, which is home to distinctive native trees and plants and brings together hundreds of species of birds, is an extremely popular destination to visit for any nature lover.

Animals: Sixty-nine species of migratory birds and about 106 resident bird species have been recorded including Indian shag, red-collared pigeon, Asian cuckoo, green bee-eater, Brahminy starling, Indian tree pie, black ibis, ruddy shelduck, barred swan Are. Are. Are. Oriental Magpie Robin, Lesser Whistling Duck.

Plants: Kendu, Salai, Asan, Bahera, Arjun, Paisar, Mahua, Holarena antidysenterica, Ziziphus xylopyrus.

Rajauli Wildlife Sanctuary

Rajauli Wildlife Sanctuary

Spread over vast hectares of lush green forests, the sanctuary is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. It serves as an important ecological hotspot and sanctuary for many endangered species. This sanctuary is located in Kamur district of Bihar. It offers a serene and picturesque environment for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts, amidst the beautiful landscape of Kaimur Hills.

The sanctuary has a rich and diverse range of flora and fauna. The lush green forests are adorned with a variety of tree species including sal, teak, mahua, neem, and bamboo.

Animals: Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, Indian wolf, sloth bear, Indian gaur and Indian pangolin.

Plants: Sal, Teak, Mahua, Neem and Bamboo.

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