List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh, List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh, Popular Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh, Famous Wildlife Sanctuaries Andhra Pradesh, Kolleru Wildlife Sanctuary, Nellapattu Wildlife Sanctuary, Pulicat Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, Sri Venkateswara National Park, Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary, Sri Lanka Malleswar Wildlife Sanctuary, Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary, Kaundinya Wildlife Sanctuary, Gundla Brahmeshwaram Wildlife Sanctuary, Sri Penusila Narasimha Wildlife Sanctuary, Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary, All wildlife Sanctuaries of India

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Kolleru Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Kolleru Bird Sanctuary, located between the delta of the Krishna and Godavari rivers, is also a Ramsar site (wetland of international importance). A natural flood-balancing reservoir for the two rivers is Kolleru Lake, one of the largest freshwater lakes in India. Many birds migrate here in winter. It regularly supports over 50,000 waterbirds, which is why it was selected as an Important Bird Area. The lake serves as a habitat for approximately 20 million resident and migratory birds. The sanctuary has several watch towers for the convenience of visitors.

Animals: Avocet, wigeon, gadwall, shoveler, painted stork, spot-billed pelican, Indian golden gecko.

Plants: Phragmites curaca, Nymphaea nouchelli, Ottelia alismoides, Nechamandra alternifolia, Limnophila indica, Vallisneria spiralis, Blaxa octandra, Ipomoea aquatica, Scirpus articulatus, Typha angustata.

Nellapattu Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Named after the village adjoining in the sanctuary, Nelapattu is known for the water birds that it attracts. The farmers of Nelapattu benefit from the guano, which they use as a natural fertilizer. They in turn protect the birds. With almost 1500 pelicans breeding therein every year, it is the largest breeding ground for Grey pelicans in South East Asia. The birds are recognized as ‘celestial birds’ by the local people of Nelapattu, Muchalagunta, Mylangam, etc. because their arrival is believed to bring about good rains and crops. Birds nest on Barringtonia acutangula trees. Birds start breeding and nesting during October and stay for about six-seven months up to April. The sanctuary is a bird watcher’s paradise.

Animals: Jackal, Black-naped Hare; Grey Pelican, White Ibis, Openbilled Stork, Little Cormorant, Eurasian Spoonbill, Black-crowned Night Heron, Little Grebe, Northern Pintail, Common Teal, Gadwall, Northern Shoveller, Garganey, Eurasian Coot, Grey Heron, Oriental Darter, Black-winged Stilt; Monitor Lizard, Scorpion fish, Catfish, Freshwater Shark.

Plants: Manilkara hexandra, Maba buxifolia, Memecylon edule, Buchanania angustifolia, Zizyphus xylopyrus.

Pulicat Lake Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary is the second-largest saltwater lagoon in India. The sanctuary is visited by a large number of migratory birds every winter. Kalangi and Arni rivers flow in this area. The lagoon includes Pulicat Lake and a wetland area, some areas of which are reserve forests. This lake is separated from the Bay of Bengal by the barrier island of Sriharikota. Due to the huge abundance of migratory birds in the area, the sanctuary is a favorite destination of bird experts and bird lovers.

Animals: Wild cat, jackal, wild boar, small Indian mongoose; Spot-billed Pelican, Black-bellied Tern, Great Knot, Oriental Darter, Painted Stork, Lesser Flamingo, Eurasian Curlew, River Tern, Monitor Lizard.

Plants: Anthrocnemum indicus, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Salicornia brachiata, Suaeda maritima, Enteromorpha.

Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Korangi or Koringa Wildlife Sanctuary is a picturesque meeting place of the Godavari River and the backwaters of the Bay of Bengal. This area is mostly covered with mada or mangrove forest. “Hope Island” between this area and the sea blocks the direct confluence of the sea and the Godavari. This results in 40% of the landscape being composed only of marine backwaters, with the remaining area interspersed with creeks enduring flooding with tidal waters. The beach of the Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary is a breeding ground for Olive Ridley turtles.

Animals: jackal, fishing cat, smooth-coated otter; white backed
Vulture, Long-billed Vulture, Painted Stork, Oriental White Ibis, Ferruginous Pochard, Spot-billed Pelican, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Pied Kingfisher, Small Blue Kingfisher, Black-capped Kingfisher, Pond Heron, Reef Heron, Gray Heron, Night Heron , Little Stint, Red-wattled Lapwing, Crow Pheasant, Purple Heron, Brahminy Kite, Open-billed Stork, Little Cormorant; Olive Ridley sea turtle.

Sri Venkateswara National Park

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

This national park is named after Lord Venkateswara, the presiding deity of Tirumala. The core area of the larger Sri Venkateswara Sanctuary has been declared a national park. This park is situated in the South Eastern Ghats. The region is rich in biodiversity, containing approximately 1500 vascular plant species belonging to 174 families, of which a significant number are endemic. With mesmerizing waterfalls like Talakona, Gundalakona and Gunjana, the park is also a part of the Seshachalam Hills Biosphere Reserve.

Animals: Leopard, wild dog, striped hyena, jackal, Indian fox, small Indian civet, wild cat, sloth bear, sambar, spotted deer, mouse deer, barking deer, four-horned antelope, wild boar, slender loris, Indian giant Squirrel, Tree Shrew, Yellow-throated Bulbul, Grey-fronted Green Pigeon, Oriental White-backed Vulture, Greater Hawk Cuckoo, Blue-faced Malkoha, Yellow-browed Bulbul, Indian Scimitar Babbler, Lotan’s Sunbird; Slipping lizard, golden lizard.

Plants: Terminalia pallida, Sandalwood, Cycas beddomei, Syzygium alternifolium, Psilotum nudum.

Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh, List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh, Popular Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh, Famous Wildlife Sanctuaries Andhra Pradesh, Kolleru Wildlife Sanctuary, Nellapattu Wildlife Sanctuary, Pulicat Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, Sri Venkateswara National Park, Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary, Sri Lanka Malleswar Wildlife Sanctuary, Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary, Kaundinya Wildlife Sanctuary, Gundla Brahmeshwaram Wildlife Sanctuary, Sri Penusila Narasimha Wildlife Sanctuary, Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary, All wildlife Sanctuaries of India

Located in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary is primarily famous as the habitat of the Great Indian Bustard. The Great Indian Bustard was discovered in the grasslands of Rollapadu, between the Nallamalai and Yerramalai hill ranges in the Eastern Ghats, in the year 1982. It is the only Great Indian Bustard sanctuary in Andhra Pradesh. The area is a mix of small, open grasslands with scattered small bushes and trees and is a source of immense pleasure for nature lovers and especially wildlife enthusiasts.

Animals: Great Indian bustard, blackbuck, wolf, golden jackal, jungle cat, Indian gray mongoose, Indian hare.

Plants: Prosopis cinerea, Cassia fistula, Butea monosperma, Ziziphus mauritiana, Morinda tinctoria, Carissa spinarum, Cassia auriculata, Canthium parviora, Diospyros melanoxylon, Dolichendron falcata, Mitragyna parvifolia, Morinda tinctoria, Maytenus emarginata, Phoenix sylvestris, Chrysopogon fulvus, Hay Ter opogon contortusmelanocencris Jacquemonti.

Sri Lanka Malleswar Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Globally, Sri Lanka Malleswara Sanctuary is the only home and hope for the rare and endangered bird ‘Jerdan’s Corsair’, which was once thought to be extinct. The Jourdan courser was first described in 1848. After 1900, there were no reports of the bird, and it was believed to be extinct. In 1986, it was rediscovered in the scrub forests of Reddipalli village in Cuddapah district.

This habitat is protected by the sanctuary. The sanctuary provides important ecosystem services. It forms the catchment area for the Pennar River. The Pennar River is fed by the Telugu Ganga Canal which passes through the eastern side of the sanctuary. The sanctuary is home to over 1400 plant species, including Red Sanders an endemic species.

Animals: Leopard, Sloth Bear, Spotted Deer, Sambar, Four-horned Deer, Chinkara, Bluebull, Wild Boar, Indian Fox, Jerdon’s Corsair, Garden Lizard, Indian Python, Common Cobra, Common Sand Boa, Russell’s Viper, Saw-scaled Viper , common wolf snake.

Plants: Red Sanders

Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary is situated at the estuary of the Krishna River, and is one of the few mangrove habitats in Andhra Pradesh. The adjoining areas are quite heavily forested. The ecosystem supports unique mammals, reptiles, fish, marine invertebrates, and birds. The mangrove forest is a nursery ground for shrimps, shellfish, and finfish. Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary is considered a perfect place for birdwatching and is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts.

Animals: Fishing Cat, Spotted Deer, Sambar, Blackbuck, Striped Hyaena, Jungle Cat, Indian Fox, Sloth Bear; Crested Serpent Eagle; Garden Lizard, Saltwater Crocodile, Indian Python, Common Cobra, Common Sand Boa, Russell’s Viper, Saw-scaled Viper, Common Wolf Snake, Indian Roller, Wagtails, Pipits.

Plants: Casuarina equisetifolia, Pongamia glabra, Calotropis gigantea, Cassia auriculata, Thespesia populnea, Ipomaea biloba, Pongamia Pinnata, Banyan.

Kaundinya Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

The only wildlife sanctuary in Andhra Pradesh that is home to Asian elephants is the Koundinya Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary was established to provide a safe home to elephants who returned to the area after being away for many years. Southern tropical dry deciduous forests cover expanses of the sanctuary. The picturesque landscape with deep valleys and slopes, and the sparkling waters of the Candinya and Kaigal tributaries of the Palar River create a tranquil environment that visitors love.

Animals: Asiatic elephant, sloth bear, leopard, spotted deer, four-horned deer, sambar, porcupine, wild boar, wild cat, jackal, starred tortoise, slender loris; Indian Peacock, Indian Scimitar Babbler, Paradise Flycatcher, Purple Sunbird, Yellow-throated Bulbul; Indian Python, Rat Snake, Indian Cobra, Indian Bronzeback, Asian Vine Snake, Russell’s Viper, Indian Chameleon, Bengal Monitor.

Plant: Albizia amara.

Gundla Brahmeshwaram Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Gundla Brahmeshwaram Wildlife Sanctuary is located between Kurnool and Prakasam districts. It is situated at two places in the hills, Mantralamma Kanuma and Nandi Kanuma. Just north of this sanctuary is the Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve. The hilly terrain of the sanctuary, dotted with plateaus, peaks, valleys, and deep gorges, supports diverse flora and fauna. The sanctuary is made even more enchanting by the waterfalls, the continuously flowing ‘Gundlakamma’ river, and the sacred groves. Moreover, the area has many mesic sites and ancient rock formations which add to the attraction of the sanctuary.

Animals: Sloth bear, wild dog, striped hyena, jungle cat, gray langur, bonnet macaque, pangolin, sambar, four-horned antelope, chinkara; Indian Peacock, Jungle Bush Quail, Gray Junglefowl, Little Grebe, Spotted Pigeon, Asian Emerald Pigeon, Yellow-footed Green Pigeon, Asian Cuckoo, Indian Cuckoo; Monitor lizard, python, crocodile.

Sri Penusila Narasimha Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

This Sanctuary is positioned between two vital hill passes viz; Badvel – Nellore Road and Kadapa – Rajampet Road. The Velligonda hill range boasting lush green and luxuriant forests, scenically interrupted by hillocks of igneous rocks is a paradise for the rich and variegated life forms of animals and plants. The picturesque beauty of the Sanctuary is breathtaking. There are seven natural ponds representing Saptharishis. This sanctuary is an important habitat for numerous endangered and endemic species as well as a sizeable population of leopards. To nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts, this sanctuary is a world of its own brimming with beauty and life.

Animals: Leopard, Spotted Deer, Bluebull, Four-horned Antelope, Sloth Bear, Grey Wolf, Jackal, Wild Boar, Jerdon’s Courser, Yellow-throated Bulbul; Garden Lizard, Indian Python, Common Cobra, Common Sand Boa, Russell’s Viper, Saw scaled Viper, Common Wolf Snake.

Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andhra Pradesh

Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh is a great example of man-animal co-existence, where activities like trekking and hiking are encouraged and overall the area is home to rich wildlife. The Indian leopard is the most iconic species found in this region. This region of India’s Eastern Ghats is charming during the cooler months of the year, making it a more favorable time to travel there.

Animals: Barking deer, mouse deer, leopard, jackal, wild dog, pangolin, spotted deer; Paradise flycatcher, rufous treepie, black drongo, golden oriole, Indian peafowl, gray francolin, laughing dove, spotted dove, red-wattled lapwing, rose-ringed parakeet, pied crested cuckoo, barn owl, owlet, green bee-eater, Indian grey. Hornbill, Indian Roller; Indian Python, Rat Snake, Indian Cobra, Indian Bronzeback, Asian Vine Snake, Russell’s Viper, Indian Chameleon, Bengal Monitor.

Plants: Shisham, Dalbergia sissu, banyan, hairy fig tree.

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