List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh, List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh, Wildlife Sanctuaries in Ladakh, Popular Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh, All wildlife Sanctuaries of India, Wildlife Sanctuaries State Wise, Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary, Karakoram (Nubra Shyok) Wildlife Sanctuary

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh

Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh
Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary, Wildlife Sanctuaries in Ladakh

Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is characterized by narrow deep hills and vast tablelands. It is a very popular protected area due to its breathtaking views and species such as the black-necked crane and the Tibetan wild donkey. The breathtaking freshwater lake, Tso Kar, is an important breeding ground for Brahminy duck, bar-headed swan, great crested grebe, brown-headed gull and common tern.

Animals: Snow leopard, Tibetan wild ass, lynx, Pallas’s cat, Tibetan wolf, Tibetan argali, wild yak, Tibetan gazelle, Tibetan antelope, Ladakh urial, blue sheep, wild yak, Tibetan sand fox, black-necked crane, bar- headed goose, great crested grebe, golden eagle, lammergeier, brown-headed gull, upland buzzard, ruddy shelduck, Eurasian eagle owl.

Plants: Caragana versicolor, Geranium pratense, Artemisia spp., Hippophae rhamnoides, Rhodiola imbricate, Polygonum aviculare, Caragana pygmaea, Ephedra gerardiana.

Karakoram (Nubra Shyok) Wildlife Sanctuary

List of Wildlife Sanctuaries of Ladakh
Karakoram (Nubra Shyok) Wildlife Sanctuary

The Karakoram Wildlife Sanctuary is a high altitude sanctuary, and is important because of its migratory population of chiru or Tibetan antelope. The sanctuary provides important ecosystem services in the form of some rare medicinal plant species.

Animals: Tibetan antelope, Tibetan gazelle, Himalayan ibex, bharal, snow leopard, lynx, wolf, red fox, Himalayan marmot, common otter, woolly rabbit, double humped camel; Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Merganser, Booted Eagle, Golden Eagle, Lammergeier, Himalayan Griffon Vulture, Himalayan Snow Cock, Hill Pigeon, Blue Rock Pigeon.

Plants: The river vegetation of this sanctuary has been divided as natural river vegetation and artificial vegetation. Natural river vegetation includes broad-leafed shrubs, such as ephedra, caragana, and many shrubs. This type of vegetation is virtually limited to the main river beds. Artificial vegetation includes Salix spp. and Euphorbia with populations including Juglans regia and Prunus armanica.

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